Is the current President of Iran the Prince of Persia who has been long sought by the neo-cons of the US? His actions, his decisions and the potential of him becoming the man who would rally a million troops to revenge his nation against the West and the Nato make this a possibility. In this article, WFOL pictures how Mahmood Ahmadinejad is now targeted as the prince of Persia who's coming was predicted by Nostradamus, the French clairvoyant who has become the 'prophet' of the neo-cons.Nostradamus also foretold of an unusual alliance between what he believe is Portugal and the Persians who will be under the leadership of the dark prince. He also said the prince of Persia will lead a series of attacks on the US, France and Italy. He will raise a huge and mighty army that will defeat the Nato forces even in Europe.
Nampak gaya ada jugak orang yang sependapat dengan saya berkenaan ahmadinejad. Saya cuma nak kata mungkin apa yang terjadi hanya satu kebetulan. Yang selanjutnya kita belum tahu lagi. Kalau baca cerita dalam Malaysia today tu mungkin pembaca akan lebih faham.
Kata saya.. Prediction Nostradamus ni biasanya ditafsirkan selepas berlaku sesuatu kejadian. Kata saya... Masih lagi ingat hafal ayat untuk exam Pengetahuan Agama Islam tentang Minum Arak dan Tebung Nasib. Kata saya... tiada manusia tahu masa depan kecuali Allah SWT mengkehendakinya. Wallah Hua'lam.
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